Cousas e Causos
quarta-feira, outubro 03, 2007
Sessão Pipoca II

Depois da choradeira com o Noiva Cadáver, e de colocar e Sofia na cama, foi a vez de rever "Melhor Impossível" (As Good As it Gets). É bom demais da conta. Abaixo algumas frases do filme, mas não vou traduzir pra não passar vergonha na frente das tradutoras lindas que me visitam.

Carol Connelly: Come on in, and try not to ruin everything by being you.
Melvin Udall: Maybe we could live *without* the wisecracks.
Carol Connelly: Maybe we could.

Frank Sachs: If there's a mental health organization that raises money for people like you, be sure to let me know.
Melvin Udall: Last word freak.

[to Melvin]
Carol Connelly: When you first entered the restaurant, I thought you were handsome... and then, of course, you spoke.

Melvin Udall: I'm drowning here, and you're describing the water!

Receptionist: How do you write women so well?
Melvin Udall: I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

Carol Connelly: How are you?
Simon Bishop: Don't ask. I'm tired of my own complaints. I need to get some new thoughts.
Carol Connelly: Why? What are you thinking about now?
Simon Bishop: How to die, mostly.
Carol Connelly: To think that in our little mix you're the good roommate.

Frank Sachs: Can you drive him?
Melvin Udall: Think white, and get serious!

Melvin Udall: I'm dying here.
Simon Bishop: Because you love her.
Melvin Udall: No! And you people are supposed to be sensitive and sharp?

Simon Bishop: Waiting gives devil time.

A melhor frase do filme
[to a group of depressed psychiatric patients]
Melvin Udall: What if this is as good as it gets?

Postado por Claudia @ 10:24 AM  
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